Invite your friends to a Party with a Purpose, or organize a donation drive at your work or your kids' school for Seattle Envelopes!
Celebrate holidays and fundraise for Seattle Envelopes! A special occasion can also serve as a drive for essential funding and resources for families that are starting their lives from ground zero.
Please contact us at, and we will help you to organize a donation drive or a fundraiser.
We appreciate your support in raising resources and awareness for the families we assist. Thank you for thinking of us!
Items always needed
Office paper
We always need office paper for printing educational materials, including worksheets and handouts for our free lessons.
Household essentials
When refugees arrive in a new country, they often start with very little. Please help us provide the necessities required for a stable home life, like paper, cleaning and laundry products.
Portable Electronics
We fix donated old laptops and cell phones, and provide them to the families to help them stay connected.
pet food
Some families arrive with pets that provide emotional support during the stressful transition. By supplying pet food you help ease the financial burden on refugees.