
Meeting in a New Context: an Online Workshop

Community Events Orientation Workshops
We have a special guest, our longtime friend and lecturer, psychologist Irina Leybman. Irina has conducted many workshops for children and lectures for adults at our venue. This time we invite you to join us for a talk titled "Meeting in new circumstances: the reunion of children and their adult parents".

The past couple of years have brought significant changes to many families' lives. Many children living in America and Europe have made great efforts to help their parents move closer to them. During the reunification process, some families have encountered challenges: newcomers need to adjust to life in a new country and cope with adaptation. Additionally, children and parents who have lived in different countries for many years find they need to rebuild their relationships. We'll discuss these situations and explore ways to navigate these challenges.

We hope to see you there!

Suggested donation -- $25. PLEASE DONATE HERE.

Irina Leybman: Gestalt therapist, candidate of psychological sciences (Moscow State University), with extensive experience at the department of Ethnopsychology and Psychological Issues of Multicultural Education (Moscow City Pedagogical University).